Team COA

Interactive & Fun Teambuilding & Workshops

Back to school Teambuilding and Antibullying

During this time of Covid-19 -we are offering online interactive program options for your youth.

We can help you with playful breaks, teamwork, challenges, mindfulness for students, group laughter yoga, and more! Sessions are a class period or a half day

Start the school year positively by giving your class a teambuilding session outdoors or in the gym, cafeteria or even the classroom. If back to school involves online classes- contact us for an interactive teambuilding virtual challenge session!


Students develop new relationships when they are involved in a unique activity that requires different skills. They get to know one another thru a hands-on experience. Respect develops as they solve challenges as a team.

Program is facilitated to develop cohesion and critical thinking throughout the group. This is very different than an open session at a theme park or other field trip. Our staff directs an opportunity to make new friends and learn better ways to work together. Youth do not need to be athletic or very physical, everyone can participate. Experiences provide thinking challenges alongside physical

Sessions are typically held morning or afternoon. Shorter versions can be held during a class period- even held right in the classroom. Call us to reserve a date!

Back to school stress relief- Laughter in a group

School is back in session. If this brings you a combination of excitement and stress- you are not alone. Stress is estimated to affect over 80% of adults and youth. Recent surveys by the APA show 36% of teens are severely overwhelmed by stress.  As the school year progresses with tests, papers and social pressures-these numbers increase!

Laughter and meditation are two ways to reduce stress and improve overall wellness. Team COA is offering options with both for your classroom youth or teacher group.

Group Laughter Yoga sessions are held right in the classroom or in a cafeteria or lawn space. This is not a humor- based session or comedy show. Instead of being comedians, we lead laughing exercises that any age can follow. No need for gym clothes or yoga gear- we will laugh, stretch and breathe as a group. Sessions can be held during a regular class period. Studies show Laughter Yoga reduces stress and blood pressure while improving overall wellness. Many people have noticed increased ability to focus after a session. One of the reasons might just be because laughter is the fastest way to oxygenate the blood ! Even running and athletics can not compete with Group Laughter Yoga’s oxygenating power!

Classroom meditation sessions can be held right after a Group Laughter Yoga session or can be scheduled independently. Our experience has shown that people who have never meditated before are naturally more comfortable after a hearty laughing session. Meditation is an excellent way to calm the mind and body. We lead seated meditation in the classroom or youth and adults can lay down in a carpeted space such as a library.

Contact us to schedule a stress relief session !

Look forward to working with you soon,

Cynthia Paris

2013-03-25-18-09-14-copygirl- laugh yoga milwaukee  stress relief for studentsLaughter Yoga youth

Working together

teambuilding near milwaukee

team challenge- supporting each other on the obstacles


We all can use a little support from our co-workers ! Learning how to collaborate is just one outcome from an afternoon on the challenge course. Work teams have some things in common with sports teams. Communication and critical thinking are needed skills in the office or on the field.

Having a fun day together on the challenge course allows you to play together while forming a stronger team. Often, an experience outside the everyday norm is just what you need ! Some groups excel beyond the average- but what sets them apart? Join us for a challenge day and discover what it takes to bring your team to the next level.

Indoor challenges

Indoor field trip to challenge course

Building a bridge together

youth teamwork and critical thinking

Youth group works together on a team challenge


While the weather is cold and snowy- bring your group indoors for some activities.

Groups can build communication skills as they solve challenges together.

Indoors keeps everyone warm and dry. Yet, we still can be outdoors year round. Bring your hat & gloves and spend an hour or a few outside. Days with snow- add an interesting bit of fun ! We can provide hot chocolate & pizza for lunch too. No worries if it gets too chilly- reserve some indoor space as a back up and we can come inside if needed! Hope to see you soon

The Art and Science of Experiential Group Facilitation

Join Jennifer Stanchfield & Cynthia Paris for a preconference workshop Thursday January 30th; 8:30-3:00pm at the Renaissance Sea World Resort in Orlando, Florida.

There is still time to register online or in person for this dynamic presentation!

The Art and Science of Experiential Group Facilitation is an interactive workshop designed to share what the field of educational neuroscience is telling us about engagement, attention, buy in, and meaningful reflection.

Take away practical strategies to promote dialogue and reflection, build a productive learning environment, and empower participants to take ownership of their learning.

Workshop details:

Attendees will leave with creative inspiration and new perspectives on your role as a facilitator.

1) Active brainbased methods for engaging learners emotionally, physically, intellectually and socially.

2)New research from the field of cognitive neuroscience and its impact on learning, teaching, group dynamics and social and emo-tional skills development.

3) Reflective methods and facilitation techniques to increase depth of understanding and connection to future learning experiences.

4) Techniques to help educators become more participant centered, empowering them to take more control and responsibility for their learning.

Jennifer Stanchfield’s depth of experience and passion for enhancing the art of facilitation is evident in her tools, workshops and publications including A Teachable Moment, Tips & Tools: The Art of Experiential Group Facilitation & The ACCT Facilitator’s Toolbox.

Cynthia Paris shares the value of joyful moments with groups of all ages. She is the Manager of the Center for Organizational Advancement at Rogers Behavior Health

Preconference Registration external link

Jennifer Stanchfield- Experiential Tools Website

Vist Team COA on facebook


Real Milwaukee’s Chip Brewster at Team COA

indoor challenge course near milwaukee

Fox 6 TV- chip brewster on the High swings

Fox 6 Real Milwaukee camera man

Flying high- Miles the dedicated cameraman!


Real Milwaukee’s Chip Brewster joined us at Team COA

He climbed indoors, with our staff attending his rope- on the Bosun High Swings & the Cargo net.He had a great attitude when the swings kept spinning. From the ground- they look easy. But once you are up there- its surprising how challenging it can be. We filmed off and on while he climbed. He then worked on a partner climb on the Giants ladder. Another event that is much more challenging than expected.

As his final piece – he was lifted up on the flying squirrel- all the way to the ceiling! We lifted his cameraman up too- with the big live feed camera tied around his body. He is a dedicated guy!

For me- it was a different type of challenge. I had to manage his safety while also wondering when we were “on air” and when we were not. Because he was on a remote live feed-it wasn’t easy to know. I was caught off guard a few times- when we were prepping him to climb- but then we were actually on film. He didn’t know either- as you can see in one of the clips. Below, I have attached a link to a few clips on the Fox6now website. There are a few more clips we will post directly on our site soon.

Hopefully you find these clips entertaining- as much as my staff has. Yes –I am wearing my snow pants- but in my defense- it was really below zero & we originally planned to be outside. Watch for more goofiness during the flying squirrel – there are a few times where I look like I am dancing ballet or something! All in a day’s play.

Consider bringing your group of friends or family to Team COA this winter- You are guaranteed to have fun !

Hope to see you soon !
Cynthia Paris, Manager COA

See clips below

Unique Holiday Adventure Gift Certificates !

Gift Certificates- The gift of Adventure!

Looking for a unique gift for that hard to find person, couple or family? Or maybe a unique gift for you & your co-workers or group of friends.

Team COA can create a gift certificate for any of our activities and program sessions.

Popular ideas are: Zipline, Power Pole Jump, Indoor climbing intro, Group program on team challenge lows or single high elements, For groups of 8 or more: Flying squirrel ( indoor or outdoor !)

adventures for girls  power pole jump leap of faith high climbing

zipline near waukesha

View of Zipline- climb to reach this platform



Just for Girls – finding your voice

Today’s post is Just for Girls

Teen and pre- teen girls are vulnerable in so many ways. They face difficult situations at home, school and out in their community. It seems that every time I turn on the news- another girl is in trouble or worse. It really has started many of us thinking about how to strengthen this generation of young woman. As we talked about it- we came up with a two things that help a girl in a difficult time.

1- Using her voice.

Speaking or yelling for help can be the difference in a bad situation. Some girls find this the hardest thing to do when afraid or threatened. Smaller stresses from school or friends can get worse when a girl stays silent.

2- Critical Thinking- Problem solving in creative ways

Being able to make choices and work through problems can get a girl out of trouble or prevent it from happening at all. Evaluating different options while thinking in clever and creative ways has helped save many in tight spots.

Hands on activity is one of the best ways to learn and the challenge course is a great place for it ! These two skills are developed by design through many of our programs already. To address the needs of Girls – we have created sessions just for them. Any group of girls- from sports teams to family or neighborhood groups- will benefit from developing skills to problem solve and use their voice !

Hope to see your girls on course soon !

Take care,
Cynthia Paris – Team COA manager

Just for Girls- Strong Girls program info

Girls teamwork

Girls climbing


Challenging yourself up high !