Soccer Team fun & challenges
Soccer season is starting soon and this team was excited to get going! It was great to see so many of the guys focused on being leaders. They showed how to help each other to get to the next step.

It really had me thinking about similarities to everyday life. Often we can get one step farther if we stop to ask for a hand. When with a group and also when we think we are working solo. How many times have each of us struggled by ourselves when there might have been a person we could have asked to assist ? Creating a team may seem like alot of effort , yet it can start with simpling reaching out to those around you. The most skilled player will still need a strong team to perform at their best.
If you find yourself unable to easily reach the goal you have set- stop for a moment and look around for people and resources that are waiting for you to ask. You may be surprised at how much easier it is to reach that soccer goal, or finish a project at work or school.
Looking forward to seeing you & your ‘team’ here on course !
Take care-
-Cynthia Paris, Manager COA, Center for Organizational Advancement